What Are Solar Panels (Photovoltaic) Made Of?

fotovoltaicosIn recent times, most (or almost all) of us have heard about solar panels and their benefits, but have wondered what they are made of?

The solar plates are composed mainly of silicon cells, which is the element most found in the earth’s crust after oxygen.

Large amounts of silicon in its pure state are exposed to high temperatures that exceed 1000 degrees Celsius for a long time, and then allowed to cool slowly, a process that causes the crystallization of the same (the efficiency of the panel is closely related to the quality of the crystallization).

Once the silicon blocks are crystallized, they are cut and washed to form the so-called ingots that will serve later to make the cells. When the ingots have been classified, they are cut into thin wafers of approximately 0.2mm.

The latter are treated chemically in a process where they are doped with elements such as boron to create semiconductor cells (the solar cell to function as a generator requires an n-p junction that is achieved through this doping.

Finally, its surface is united through a thin soladura so as to be able to take advantage of the current generated by the incident sunlight and to be able to interconnect them with each other to form a solar panel.